Two Brides

More recap: Getting ready part 3, the dresses come on
November 6, 2008, 1:42 am
Filed under: Uncategorized


As you can see, the flowers arrived and were perfect. Another small detail was the locket attached to my bouquet. Natalie ordered it from ETSY and it had a rabbit on front. Inside, I wanted to honor my father who had passed away but I wanted to do it in a very personal, and not public way. So I got to hold my father’s memory in my hands all day, hoping he could see that day, wherever he is. There are so many cliches when honoring a dead parent and even though the locket seemed like one, it felt very very meaningful.


More flower shots later, I wanted to show the locket and how it was attached using the blue ribbon.


Getting on the dress. Natalie had to have all 4 of us hold it and try to get it on!


This is when the one thing that did fluster me all day happened. As Natalie’s mom was helping put Natalie in the dress, her lipstick got on the dress. Like, a lot. My heart fluttered and I did get mildly upset. It was bright red and really really apparent. So we got club soda and tide to go pens and it did not help at all. So at that point I was a little unhappy and nervous. Looking back at it, it was so stupid for me to get upset but I was. Thankfully, Natalie’s dress had flowers we had to pin to it so we covered the huge stain with some careful pinning. But ladies DO NOT LET ANYONE WITH MAKEUP NEAR YOUR DRESS. When you need help putting it on, get the girls without makeup to help you. Most girls do not have the advantage of flowers to hide stains. And nothing gets rid of makeup stains.



Somehow, Natalie was chill the whole time, not getting the least bit upset. And later on, many many things happened to both our dresses(like chicken satay stains, dirt, a dress got a hole in it).


My dress was so easy to put on. I just stepped in it and BOOM. It was on! And then Emma and Marie zipped me up. Tada!


As you can see, I was so happy when that dress went on. I was thinking “I’m a bride. OMG, today I’m getting married.”



For all you brides out there – you will not put on your own shoes on your wedding day. No how. No way. You just can’t bend that much in a super tailored, super big dress. So friends to the rescue! And I loved my shoes.


I had a few people ask me if they were hand painted shoes. Uh, no, do I look like I want to spend $54000 on shoes? They were from DSW for $35.


Then my famous drop veil went on. May I say, I freakin loooooooved my drop veil. It was so simple and I loved it. It ended up being from the veil shop, a 130 inch fingertip length oval. We attached it using bun pins, those u shaped pins, and sticking them in the top of my bun.



Natalie’s ears are sensitive. As you can see from this photo, $7 earrings hurt like a biotch to put in. I did get a tip later saying you should coat it in clear nail polish so your ears won’t touch the cheap metal.


I love getting ready together because in half the photos you can see the other one watching. I’m looking at Natalie, just loving every minute.


Natalie got an angel cut veil with a blusher from I Do I Do. She thought long and hard about wearing a veil but ended up wearing one for Jewish tradition. I was super happy she did and she was too. She just looked stunning with it on.


I love this photo because it’s right after we are finished getting ready and I think both of us look like “Is this for real??!?!?! Wow!!!”

Moooore to come…next post will be the exiting of the hotel room and tons and tons of coupel shots. Woohoo!

5 Comments so far
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Hi! I found you through Making it Lovely. First of all, you looked stunning! And it looks like you really enjoyed sharing those moments before the wedding. Oh and your hair! I can’t decide which one I like better! And the veils! Ok, enough, I get too excited around weddings.

Now, when I get married I want a joint bachelor/bachelorette party, but I’m not sure if I want my boyfriend to see my pre-wedding freak outs.
I also wanted to say sorry for Prop 8. I’m from Spain, and I’m so proud that here the only thing that matters if you want to get married is that you love each other. Things changed here. It was difficult and hard, but they changed, and I wish things will change there too. Otherwise, come and have a Spanish wedding too. I won’t offer to be your photographer (you’d regret it) but I can offer to be the interpreter, just in case you don’t speak the language! 😉

Again, the brooch in your hair… ok, back to work now.

Comment by Gracia Fraile

I can’t remember where I first came across your blog, but I have been following it through your wedding and I am so happy for the both of you. Congratulations! You are both so gorgeous and clearly have the bridal glow!

Comment by Molly

I have never seen anything like Natalie’s dress; It’s great! And your veil is really stunning.

Comment by Desaray

Yay more pictures! I love them, you two look so happy together. 🙂

Comment by Tsoniki

I LOVE the bodice on your dress, it’s absolutely gorgeous. That last picture is great, the looks on your faces is priceless! Was it strange getting ready together and not having like, a “first glimpse” moment?

Comment by dckate

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